The overarching hypothesis is that online learning chelsea soccer club environment influences teachers’ psychological state , and then the psychological state will influence teachers’ behaviors . Among psychological states, basic psychological needs of the teachers are produced in a specific learning situation, and directly influences how teachers choose and use technology, media, and resources for effective online learning. Therefore, teachers’ basic psychological needs may be influenced by such a learning environment .
- It has been conducted almost annually since 1972 by the University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center.
- The level of support from political policy-makers and educational experts for arts education was central to this study, because these individuals influenced education in Nevada in a number of ways.
- Music, visual arts, drama, and dance classes were being indiscriminately eliminated from educational instructional programs throughout the country.
- But most survey respondents also support including specific courses in the curriculum and say that they would pay more taxes to keep the arts in the schools.
- Online learning for art teachers is also important because of its mediation in transfer specific contents through all kinds of information devices .
Vague or leading questions, unnecessary change in question wording from one survey to another, failure to establish what terms mean to respondents or how much respondents know or care about the arts, all reduce the value of the research that has been done. On the other hand — and this is the good news for arts advocates — most Americans have endorsed public funding of the arts over the past twenty-five years. Ongoing surveys have found that between two thirds and three quarters of survey respondents favor some form of government aid and between fifty and sixty percent favor a federal presence. And remarkably enough, these figures have remained stable even as the NEA has experienced more than a decade of controversy and cutbacks.
How We Understand Art
At the same time, aggregate opinion towards public support for the arts has been very stable, with most people endorsing federal, state, and local arts programs without wanting to spend any more money on them. Whenever Americans are asked about the value of the arts in a general fashion — i.e. without considering a price tag or comparing their value to something else — they express strong support. This is evident in surveys that ask people whether they want their children exposed to the arts or whether it is important to have arts education in the schools . It is easy, of course, to concur with very broad statements about the arts’ value to a complete education.
Surveys Of Public Attitudes Toward The Arts
The former requires that learning take place at a fixed time, similar to traditional offline learning in a fixed place; the latter is relatively flexible on timing, allowing self-paced learning and the exchange of resources over a communication network . No matter being in what format, online learning has advantages over face-to-face learning, such as balancing educational resources and development, reducing costs, and promoting educational equity . Self-determination theory is a macro-level theory about human motivation and wellness that contains six mini-theories to explain the relationship between motivation and basic psychological needs . In SDT, Basic Psychological Needs Theory is one of them and contributes to motivation and well-being .
It is reasonable to be concerned with their educational background, because learners with low levels of education may encounter more course content obstacles, and higher educational level learners are less likely to experience these barriers (Henderikx et al., 2019). When considering the effectiveness of teacher online training, we inevitably pay much more attention to the psychological mechanism of teachers’ learning process including mental engagement. It is necessary to have a deep understanding of this psychological mechanism because it can help us understand the effects of online learning and how it influences online behaviors (In de Wal et al., 2020).
But most survey respondents also support including specific courses in the curriculum and say that they would pay more taxes to keep the arts in the schools. Americans are equally united in believing that the arts are good for their communities, a position that about ninety percent of survey respondents endorse. But Americans’ attitudes toward government arts programs are considerably more ambivalent. Support for some form of public spending on the arts is substantial — about two thirds of U.S. adults — and has been remarkably stable throughout sharp fluctuations in the NEA’s political fortunes. But evidence also suggests that people are somewhat more supportive of local or state than of federal programs and of aid to museums and libraries than of assistance for artists. Moreover, whereas support for federal government aid to the arts is broad but shallow, about fifteen to twenty percent of the public have opposed federal arts programs with fierce conviction.
Distance education is not only education and training but also is related to individuals. In today’s world, where we are faced with a new development, the conveniences provided by distance education technologies have been used in all areas of education. Therefore, technological developments cause changes in all areas of education systems. These changes affect the quality and functions of art education directly and indirectly. In this study, visual arts teachers’ attitudes towards distance teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic were investigated.
This can help trainers to systematically intervene and guide teachers’ online learning. Among the psychological attributes that influence teachers’ professional learning, the most important one is motivation, according to self-determination theory . Researchers believe that self-determination helps people stay motivated and can direct and predict their performance (Jeno et al., 2017). When learners’ psychological needs are met, they show enhanced motivation and sense of well-being (Jeno et al., 2019a). These psychological needs arise from the individual’s perception of the learning environment , and the environment also influences the psychological mechanism of learners’ participation in the learning process.