Then press the button Find people nearby, activate the location and allow the app to access it when requested

Then press the button Find people nearby, activate the location and allow the app to access it when requested

For example, you can indicate whether you are looking for men or women and their minimum and maximum ages

One of the things you need to do, before you start looking for people to know, is to verify your email address and complete your profile to give them greater personalization. To confirm your email address, go to the email you indicated during registration and press the button Click here to complete the registration. Next, go back to your user profile and confirm the authenticity of your profile via the application wizard. This way you will get the status verified on your profile.

To complete your profile go to the section Profile (symbol of a little man), tap on Details and then fill in the data in the section Personal card. Continue reading “Then press the button Find people nearby, activate the location and allow the app to access it when requested”